How cool is this, just today I learned that my son was quoted in the Roslindale Transcript from an event last week when he spoke in front his entire school (and Mayor Menino!). Earlier today I saw the quote on Wicked Local! Here's the link:
Philbrick School kids get to look ahead at Alma mater day
Looking for spooky stuff - most has already past, but I was reminded of the free walking tours at the Arnold Arboretum, something I've seen but have yet to participate in.
I did put the Roslindale news on my google reader page, which I'm quickly coming to love.
I was disappointed that I didn't find Hyde Park on Wicked Local, only on American Towns. I thought the page layout on American Towns was too busy and I don't see myself going there often, even though I did register and post the Teen party we're throwing at our library tomorrow night. I wish it had RSS, as I also wish the Bulletin newspapers would do. I will be coming back to check on the calendar, as I see someone else has already been posting some of our events there - a nice surprise to be sure!
2024 in work and money
3 days ago